Packing a Suitcase

Packing a Suitcase

Vacation season is almost here. Let's maximize our space-- the last tip is the best!

Tip 1: Think of your MODE OF TRAVEL
Comfort & space is always a consideration. If traveling by car, consider how bags will stack them in the back—like a game of Tetris. Plane travel has its own set of rules. But it’s most important if traveling by train in Europe— there are no valets— it’s you schlepping your bags to/from so consider comfort and what you can physically carry.

We’re all used to size & weight limits for air travel by now. Consider your destination and if you’ll shop there because you’ll need room to bring your tokens home.

Tip 3: ROLLING VS FOLDING doesn’t matter
Now personally this is hard for me to agree with— I traveled every week by plane for years and could pack a week of business, dinner, casual clothes in one carry-on by rolling everything. But do what’s best for keeping your items less wrinkled and most organized. Supposedly the science says it’s about the same area usage.

Tip 4: USE EVERY INCH of space to help items keep shape & maximize
Pack socks in shoes, put sunglasses in hats and everywhere there’s an empty space. Not only does it protect, it can keep the shape of items.

Tip 5: PACKING CUBES are a fantastic investment
Yes, yes, yes— a full set can be very inexpensive. Pack like with like, organize and keep clothes clean during travel. There are so many YouTube videos on how to best use cubes— they are amazing!

Tip 6: Bring an EXTRA BAG for dirty laundry
If you have an extra packing cube, bring it, or use the plastic dry cleaning bag at your hotel to keep dirties separate from your clean clothes. Just take the bag right to the laundry room when you get home.

From foundation to body cream to sunscreen & medications, you will save so much room. We LOVE Cadence— not sponsored, we just love them.

Tip 8: Packing ROLLER VS NON-ROLLER sides of the suitcase
The MOST IMPORTANT tip— know what to pack on which side of your suitcase. Ever looked at your suitcase? The roller side is usually larger and has more structure. So here’s a guide for each side to keep weight distributed & clothing clean:
Roller: shoes (in a bag & at the bottom), toiletries (in the middle), accessories (at the top), room for dirty clothes bag & items you buy
Non-Roller: from bottom to top are pants, shirts & then undergarments
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